- Tell us your name, and why you decided to run for this position.
My name is Peter Greathouse. I decided to run for the senate seat in district 28, because I feel that we need a strong voice from this part of the state fighting for the people of the district. I also felt we need somebody who understands the rural issues and can work with other senators to make sure they are addressed wisely in the state legislature.
- Please talk about a few bills from the past 5 years that you were glad passed or did not pass.
I was glad when the HB 477 (grama) was repealed in special session. In the same vein, I was disappointed when it originally passed. I do believe that GRAMA needs to be re-evaluated with the new technologies, but I believe it was shoved through without proper vetting.
- Please tell us about a few of the bills from the past five years that you wish had had a different outcome (i.e., if they did not pass you wish they had because... or if they did pass, why you wouldn't have voted for them, or would not now vote for them).
I was disappointed that the bill lowering the sales tax of food passed a few years ago. I do not like taxes, but this is one tax that all people pay. There are many people that don't pay any other tax yet they use services that are provided and funded with tax dollars. I believe it is only fair that all receiving services should be paying at least a small portion of the cost of the services they are utilizing.
- What are the major things that you would like to accomplish if you are elected?
Major things that I would like to accomplish: Present and get an amendment to the state constitution passed that would allow each county to have its own state senator.
Get rules adopted by the legislature that would require the complete text of all bills to be posted online for at least 72 hours before action is taken on the bills (committee hearings, etc).
Make sure that the water in the district is protected for the use of future generations in the district.
- How will you know when you have completed your work in the Senate?
I will know my work in the Senate is done when I no longer have a passion for making sure the voice(s) of the district is heard or when the delegates/voters tell me my job is done.
- What is one trait you have that will make you especially effective if you are selected?
A trait that would make me effective is I am good at analyzing the effects of bills, and coming up with solutions to the problems that others may not think of.
- What committees would you like to be on as a Senator?
The committee's I would like to serve on as Senator include:
Government Operations and Political Subdivisions committee
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment
Transportation and Public Utilities and Technology
Water Issues Task Force